
Please pay your £200 Yearly Maintenance Fund directly into the Masjid bank account.

Bank: HSBC Acc Name: Masjid e Salaam

Sort Code: 40-37-25 Acc No:54170857

Visitors Form

If your school, college or any other organization is interested in visiting Masjid e Salaam then please download and complete our visitors form.

Once completed please email your form to admin@masjidesalaam.org.uk

We welcome visitors of any kind from any background who wish to learn about Islam or about Masjid e Salaam.

You are welcome to visit the Masjid whenever we are open.

As the Masjid is a place of worship you are humbly requested to dress modestly in the mosque and grounds. Please refer to the visitors form for further information regarding the dress code.

Visitors Form