
Please pay your £200 Yearly Maintenance Fund directly into the Masjid bank account.

Bank: HSBC Acc Name: Masjid e Salaam

Sort Code: 40-37-25 Acc No:54170857

Marriage Ceremonies at Masjid Salaam


Masjid Salaam is Licensed as a Registered Building to conduct Legal Religious Marriage ceremonies between a muslim man and a muslim woman.

A ‘Nikah’ is a marriage contract between a man and a woman intending to spend the rest of their lives together with the blessings and favours of Allah, united in goodness, welfare and Deen.

When a man and woman get married they have perfected half their Deen.

The most blessed Nikah is the one celebrated with the least burden.

Types of marriage ceremonies

There are three types of marriage ceremonies that take place at Masjid Salaam.

  1. Nikah Ceremony (only for local residents)
  2. Civil Marriage Ceremony (Registration)
  3. Legal Religious Marriage Ceremony (Dual Nikah & Registration)

A ‘Nikah’ is a marriage contract that is solemnised in accordance with Islamic (Shariah) Law.

A Civil Marriage Ceremony is where the bride and groom officially declare themselves, according to law, to be a married couple. This can only be performed by any one of the  appointed persons of Masjid Salaam.

A Legal Religious Marriage Ceremony is where both the ‘Nikah’ and ‘Civil Marriage Ceremony’ can take place at the same time. This can only be performed by any one of the  appointed persons of Masjid Salaam.


Please follow the google form link below to make a provisional booking and arrangements for civil and legal marriage ceremony at Masjid-e-Salaam.

Booking form is to be filled only for the civil marriage and legal religious marriage.

Booking Form

Please contact the Masjid Administrator via the email address or contact number for any enquiries.

Masjid Salaam fee is payable upon booking the ceremony date.

(Further details under the Fee Section)

Once a booking has been made, the prospective bride and groom will be asked to attend a ‘Life as a Married Couple’ short course. Course, lasting about hour and half.  Discussed in this course will be topics related to the rights, responsibilities and practical advice for both the husband and wife.

Both the civil and legal religious marriage ceremonies have 30 Minutes allocated time.


Civil and Legal Religious Marriage Ceremonies’ Timings :

9:00 -12:00 AM and 5.00- 6.30 PM

9:00 – 11:00 AM


Civil Marriage Ceremony

Notice of intention fee 

(Bride & Groom Each) 

£35 Register office
Administration fee £30 Register office
Certificates fee   £11 Register office
Authorised Person ‘Registrar’ fee  £80 Masjid-e-Salaam
Masjid Maintenance Fee Payers  £20 Masjid-e-Salaam
Non Maintenance Fee Payers          £50 Masjid-e-Salaam


Legal Religious Marriage Ceremony

Notice of intention fee £70 Register office
Administration fee £30 Register office
Certificates fee £11 Register office
Authorised Person ‘Registrar’ fee £80 Masjid-e-Salaam
 Masjid Maintenance Fee Payers £30 Masjid-e-Salaam
Non Maintenance Fee Payers         £70 Masjid-e-Salaam



Note: please pay the fee to confirm your booking.

Bank: Natwest

Acc Name: Fulwood Community Centre

Sort Code: 01-06-57

Acc No: 52417999

Ref: Name, Date and Type of Ceremony.

Cancellations / Changing Booking

  • Bookings can be changed once, free of charge, up to 28 days of the booked ceremony.
  • Bookings can be changed once, at a £20 charge, if within 28 days of the booked ceremony.
  • Cancellations made before 28 days of the booked ceremony are subject to an administration charge of £20.
  • Cancellations between 28-14 days of the booked ceremony are subject to an administration charge of £40.
  • Cancellations within 14 days of the booked ceremony are subject to an administration charge of £80.

Time of Arrival

The bride and groom must arrive half hour before the booked ceremony time and meet with the authorised person to check the details to be entered onto the marriage schedule.

  1. Guests are requested not to enter the masjid more than an hour before ceremony .
  2. Bride and groom must go straight to the first floor where the ceremony will take place .
  3. Ladies must enter through ladies’ entrance and wait on 2nd floor in the ladies’ meeting room.
  4. Men must enter through the men’s entrance and wait in the Jamat khana.
  5. Guests will be called for the ceremony, till then please wait in the rooms .

Ceremony Rooms

The Nikah ceremony will normally take place in the Main Jamat Khana.

The Civil Marriage and Legal Religious Ceremony will normally take place on the first floor either in the meeting room or the balcony room.  The rooms will be duly arranged for the purpose of the ceremony. The allocation of the rooms will depend on the time booked for the marriage ceremony.

Please note followings:

  • Ceremony rooms must be vacated half an hour after the booked ceremony time.
  • Exchanging of rings will not be part of the Civil Marriage nor the Legal Religious Ceremony at the Masjid Salaam.
  • No food
  • No mithai
  • Khajoor or dried dates ( Kharaq) is allowed for the distribution upon leaving the room and be eaten upon leaving the masjid.



Number of Guests

The Civil Marriage and Legal Religious Ceremonies will only accommodate 10 people maximum from each party, 20 guests in total,  so please ensure you stay within these limits.

Dress and Conduct Code

All persons attending any of the marriage ceremonies are kindly requested to observe the Islamic dress and behaviour in keeping with Islamic values.

All visitors to the Masjid are requested to preserve the sanctity of the Holy place by adhering to the following guidelines:

  1. All footwear should be removed before entering the Masjid.
  2. All females are advised to cover their hair and to dress modestly in loose clothing with their legs fully covered. If not dressed appropriately they may be excluded from attending the ceremony
  3. Shorts that expose above the knees are not allowed for males.
  4. Males are requested not to shake hands with the females at the Masjid and vice versa.
  5. Please observe silence at all times. Talking loudly, clapping, shouting etc. are not permitted in the Masjid.
  6. No photography / filming during the ceremony or the signing of the marriage schedule.

We hope all visiting parties will try their best to act in accordance with the above-mentioned guidelines.


If the bride or groom require an interpreter, then please advise us at the time of  booking.  Please be aware that the interpreter will then be required to be the recorded witness of the marriage.

Covid Ceremony Guidelines

Everyone involved in the ceremony must observe social distancing from those they do not live with.

The number of guests must not exceed the current government guidelines with a maximum of 20.

Extra guests will be turned away and they must not gather and wait for the wedding party outside the masjid.

Everyone attending the ceremony needs to wear a face covering throughout the ceremony.

The couple and all guests will be required to wash/sanitise their hands as they enter and exit the building.

The ceremony itself will need to be as short as possible which means that we are unable to allow any enhancements to your ceremony like additional readings, personalised vows or exchanging of rings.

If you want to exchange rings after the ceremony, then please make sure your hands are washed beforehand and afterwards and the rings are handled only by the couple.

Terms & Conditions

  • All documents must be original as photocopies are not acceptable.
  • Any identity document to link the couple to the notice given at register office.
  • Conversion Certificate for new Muslims (Groom or Bride).
  • Presence of two Muslim Male witnesses, with their ID’s.
  • Presence of the Wali (the bride’s father or next of reliable male kin to the bride)
  • Written declaration of the agreed Dowry (signed by both couple).
  • If the bride or groom has previously been married, then an Islamic divorce or Absolute Decree document is required.
  • Bride or Groom must be resident in Preston.
  • Bride and Groom must both be of muslim faith.

Legal Marriage Schedule, Register and Certificate

The marriage is entered in the marriage schedule and signed by:

  • During the ceremony you will sign a Marriage Schedule. This is a one-page document which contains the details of both people getting married which are needed to register a marriage.
  • The Marriage Schedule will be provided by the Superintendent Registrar in the registration district
    of your marriage. You must arrange for the Marriage Schedule to be collected from the Superintendent Registrar in the district of marriage and bring  to the authorised person who will perform the marriage at Masjid-e-Salaam before your ceremony.
  • The Marriage Schedule will include the details of each person getting married: name and surname, date of birth, condition, address and occupation. After your marriage ceremony, you will be asked to check that the details contained in the Marriage Schedule are accurate, including spellings of names etc. Once checked you, your two witnesses and the authorised person will sign the Marriage Schedule.
  • The authorised person will return the completed, signed Marriage Schedule to the register office in Preston.  Once the completed, signed Marriage Schedule is received at the register office the details will be entered onto the electronic marriage register within the following 7 days; only then will a marriage certificate be available.
  • If you lose your Marriage Schedule before your ceremony, you should contact the Superintendent Registrar at the register office where the Marriage Schedule was issued. Please call Lancashire on 0300 123 6705
  • Marriage certificates will be available from the Preston Register Office. You can order these on-line at www.lancashire.gov.uk/ births-marriages-and-deaths/ certificates.

Notice of Intention

The bride and groom must each give formal notices of marriage to the Superintendent Registrar(s) of the District they live in.

Please note:

  • One party must live in Lancashire to be able to give ‘notice of intention’ in Preston and to be married at Masjid Salaam.
  • If neither party lives in Lancashire, but want to be married at Masjid Salaam, please contact the Register Office for more information.
  • After the bride & groom have both given their notices of marriages they must: wait at least 28 clear days whilst the notices are displayed in the Register Office(s) before the Superintendent Registrar’s certificate(s) can be issued (This is the authority for your marriage to take place)
  • This certificate must be presented when you arrive at Masjid Salaam, to the person officiating at your marriage ceremony
  • A notice is valid for 12 months Costs £70 in total. (£35 each per bride and groom)

Legal Formalities

You can only give notice of marriage at Lancashire County Register Office if you are either:

  • A British Citizen
  • A national of EEA countries or Switzerland
  • Have been granted permanent right of abode in the United Kingdom
  • A member of visiting forces or certain international organizations.

People subject to immigration control must give a notice of marriage to the Superintendent Registrar at a specified office. Please contact the Lancashire County Register Office to find out the locations.

Documents Required

When you give a notice of marriage you will be required to produce certain documents.  Follow the links below or contact the Lancashire County Register Office for further information.

Some of these include:

Evidence of name, date of birth, nationality and address:

  • A valid passport
  • A valid national ID card issued by an EEA state or Switzerland
  • Certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British Citizen granted by the Secretary of State together with one of the following:
  • Utility bill (dated within with 3 months)
  • Bank, building society statement or passbook (dated with 1 month)
  • Council tax bill dated within 1 year
  • Mortgage statement dated within 1 year
  • Current tenancy agreement
  • Valid driving licence
  • Full UK birth certificate (born after 1st January 1983) together with one of the following:
  • Evidence of either parent’s British citizenship or settled status at the time of birth (this can be birth certificate, passport or a registration/naturalisation certificate). If the evidence relates to the father, the parents’ marriage certificate must also be produced
  • A deed poll or statutory declaration if you have changed your name by formal means
  • A letter from the owner/proprietor of the address where the person giving notice has been resident for the seven days immediately prior to giving the notice. This must state that they are the owner or proprietor, their name and address, be signed and dated

Booking Form

Please fill in the booking form to make a provisional booking and arrangements for your chosen marriage ceremony at Masjid Salaam.

Booking Form

Contact us

Email :            marriageceremonies@masjidesalaam.org.uk

Tel:                 01772 788447


Masjid Salaam

49 Watling Street Road

Fulwood, Preston
