
Please pay your £200 Yearly Maintenance Fund directly into the Masjid bank account.

Bank: HSBC Acc Name: Masjid e Salaam

Sort Code: 40-37-25 Acc No:54170857

  • 1966

    The existing property at 49 Watling St Rd was built as a pair of semi detached houses in Victorian times with large side gardens. Planning permission was granted for conversion of two houses into flats in 1966. Planning permission was granted for conversion from bedsitters to a Hotel 1974.

  • 1996

    In November 1996, planning permission was granted to the current owners (Preston Muslim Society Masjid e Salaam) for change of use from a hotel to a Mosque subject to a number of conditions. 196 letters from 157 properties were received objecting to the change of use.

  • 2006

    In November 2006, a planning application was submitted for a purpose built Mosque on the east side of the site. Planning committee in March 2007 was minded to approve the application subject to a section 106 agreement securing mitigation measures to address the shortfall of parking within the site. However as the Mosque could not secure a 106 agreement the planning committee in August 2007 resolved to refuse the application.

  • 2008

    In Jan 2008, a planning application was submitted for a Mosque on the same side of the site as the existing mosque building and broadly on the same footprint. The building would be three storeys in height, of red brick and slate construction. In May 2008 the application was considered at the planning committee, and it was minded to approve the application subject to section 106 agreement. Planning permission was granted in Nov 2008 subject to conditions and a section 106 agreement.

  • 2009

    In 2009, a planning application was submitted to for change of use of former gardens immediately to the east of the site acquired by the Mosque to form an extension to the existing car park. The proposal was to increase the car park to 76 spaces from the current 31 spaces. The application was approved in Nov 2009 subject to conditions.

  • 2010

    In May 2010 an application was submitted for of a 3 storey mosque comprising of a prayer hall and ancillary facilities on ground floor, 8 classrooms, 1 no I.T. room and provision for 47 car park spaces. Over 600 objections and 130 letters of support were received. In Jan 2011 the application was refused by the planning committee for the following reasons - 1.The increase in the number of worshippers accommodated would lead to an increase in the amount of off-site parking. 2.The number of vehicles turning on to or off Watling St Rd in the vicinity of the site when attempting to enter the Mosque car park or other parking facilities would be unacceptably detrimental to the Highway and pedestrian safety. 3.The proposed building would, as a result of its architectural style including the design of windows and amount of glazing, and the inclusion of features such as a dome and minaret, have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the street scene on Watling St Rd, and fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Fulwood Conservation area.

  • 2011

    In April 2011 an Appeal application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate against the decision of the planning committee. In May 2011 the appeal was by way of a hearing. In July2011 the Planning Inspectorate allowed the appeal and planning permission was granted. (See decision notice).

  • 2016

    After almost a decade in planning and four years since building began, Friday the 25 March 2016 a landmark new mosque has opened in Preston. At 11am the doors of the Masjid E Salaam mosque in 49 Watling Street Road were thrown open to the community for the first time.