In May 2010 an application was submitted for of a 3 storey mosque comprising of a prayer hall and ancillary facilities on ground floor, 8 classrooms, 1 no I.T. room and provision for 47 car park spaces. Over 600 objections and 130 letters of support were received. In Jan 2011 the application was refused by the planning committee for the following reasons -
1.The increase in the number of worshippers accommodated would lead to an increase in the amount of off-site parking.
2.The number of vehicles turning on to or off Watling St Rd in the vicinity of the site when attempting to enter the Mosque car park or other parking facilities would be unacceptably detrimental to the Highway and pedestrian safety.
3.The proposed building would, as a result of its architectural style including the design of windows and amount of glazing, and the inclusion of features such as a dome and minaret, have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the street scene on Watling St Rd, and fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Fulwood Conservation area.